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CGIC Webinar – Sustainability for Not-for-Profit Organization Boards: Is It What You Think?

June 12, 2024

The webinar will look at why Sustainability adoption through an Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) lens is becoming a strategic imperative for not-for-profit organization (NPO) boards. Canada is quickly moving forward with mandatory reporting requirements for publicly traded corporations. Will required reporting follow for NPOs? Should NPO boards get on board with sustainability? Leave this webinar with more clarity on where your next strategic planning and governance conversations will be directed towards organizational sustainability.



Topic: Sustainability for Not-for-Profit Organization Boards: Is It What You Think?

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024, BC: 10:00 am PT; AB: 11:00 am MT; ON/QC 1:00 pm ET; Bermuda 2:00 pm AT

Speaker: Denise Prindiville